Friday, February 12, 2010

Tis the season


Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Hallmark holidays,
Are not healthy for you.

To like someone's great,
So is lust from afar,
But to build up one day,
Is just really bizarre.

Best save passionate looks,
And heart palpitations,
For times that demand,
Fewer mass obligations.

'Cause firey loins,
And hormonal raging,
Need no artifice,
Or consumptive grand staging.

So, FTD, fail!
We will pine, we will ache,
On the days that we choose,
Not the days that you make.

And spend as we please,
This most faux-festive day,
Without posture or cheese,
In our own heart-felt way.

Be yours.

Happy days.


Blogger aimee said...

A comment from a recipient:

Hold on. . .

But my a55 is in a sling
If I don’t remember the day
Without any bling
I can kiss it away

For as much as you preach
To avoid such expenses
She would pout and she’d shout,
“Have you lost all your senses?”

I’m not caught in a trap
As your poem alludes
I’m just dumb in love
Like all the young dudes

So, once more I will buy
A bunch of fresh flowers
It will cost $30 bucks
But will last more than hours

6:44 PM  
Blogger aimee said...

A response to the commenter:

Fair enough. We don't want anyone's a55 to end up in a sling.

But, wait!

To be so, so in love
Is a wonderful thing
I'm just not so sure why
One day summons mass bling

It's good to give signs
Of our love when we care
At the times recognized
As the times most sincere

If this time happens to fall
On 14th Febru'ry
It is not mine to judge
The act's validity

For all we can do
Is to love our own way
Be it June 22
Or on Valentine's Day

To each their own, eh?

6:45 PM  
Blogger aimee said...

And the reply to my reply:

Nice! I bow in honor, my dear rhymstress.


6:46 PM  
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2:54 AM  

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