Beerzsh by the bay (or sea or lake)
Spencer and I are gonna drink some beers, and write what we think about em. Here goes:
1. Kona Brewing Co.
Fire Rock
"This is a good beer" Spencer says. "It's a decent beer. It's bright, medium hops, with a pretty clean finish. A little watered down, but it'd be a good pale iced down in the summer."
Aimee: "Yeah, a good beer. Not for everyday, cause it's pretty full and distinct. Heavier than our table beers, but a friendly weight. Lots of flavor with a roundness punctuated by a later hoppy bite in the back of the mouth. It would be great on a hot day chilada, "by the sea, or the lake," as Air Supply would say. A nice one. Let's drink it when it's warmer!"
2. Full Sail
Pale Ale
Smells sweet, but not sweet tasting.
Spencer: "This is a different beer. It doesn't fall in line with any brew I'm familiar with. It has a certain sharpness, but I wouldn't call it hoppy. It's a little bit of lots of things"
A "It's pale in color, but almost tastes stouty to me from the way it lingers and finishes. It's really clean, though."
S "It's a really undistinguishable beer. Reminds me of some of those Weisses."
Band: Aman Amoth song: The Fate of Norns
Poor norns.
A "I can see it being a good fit with something substantial or meaty, cause it's not got too much taste to it. I mean, it's refreshing, and tastes like beer, but doesn't have any pronounced flavors going on."
S "This beer is kind of like Krisiun's vocals. I wouldn't pay a lot of money for it. It's not exceptional. It's a decent beer."
A "Think it would be good a change up for winter. It's got an icy edge along with an overall warmth. And nice that the brewery is employee owned"
S "Yeah. That's cool. He can play (of guitarist). And his vocals are pretty good. Thumbs up to Dilinger Escape Plan. 39 parts to every song.
Kona Brewery
Longboard Lager
Misfits We Bite
A Clean as clean. A crisp summer sweetie, but its not sweet.
S Tastes like a lager with a little more bite. I think it's pretty similar to the last one. Who is this? Yeah, UK Subs!
A This is a real after-surfing beer (except if it's spendy). Light and sunny. Goes down easy.
S Anything's pretty much a good after-surfing beer.
Stiff Little Fingers.
Of these three, which would order first if all were offered:
S - Fire Rock
A - Depends on the season. Fire Rock will probably be my overall top-notcher.
Of all of these, which would you drink in the summer:
S - Fire Rock all around. But the other two are about equals. They're all good.
A - Longboard Lager
Which superhero would you be if you could be any superhero?
S Wow. I don't know about that one. I mean, I like several superheros.
A Well, I'd be VITAMIN D GIRL, and be able to have sun shine anytime I wanted it on anyone for any reason.
S Nice. I'm Captain Good Times.
A Yes, you are.
Red Rocket Ale
Bear Republic
Healdsberg, CA
S It's got a decent full flavor. Hoppy finish, with a sweet hoppy bouquet.
A It's dark, and tastes dark -- darker than its color. But it smells light. Unlike a lot of the others from earlier, it has a long finish, and leaves a lot of hop linger. It's nice.
A I dunno, but I think its sweet smell makes it seem pretty light when going down, though the taste hanging around makes it feel heavier. It's a light heavy beer. Or a heavy lightish beer. Maybe its a medium beer.
S There you go.
A Would you agree.
S It's a medium.
A A medium. But not a light medium. A medium medium. Maybe even a heavy medium.
Ketch Joannes
Save yourself the money, and get the rock cod tacos. Skip the scallops if you want scallopy-tasting scallops. These tasted bland and flat. The crab sandwich has great bread (grilled with lots of butter - the key to the "seafood roll"), but a lot of mayo which took away from the taste of the crab. The fried artichokes were ok. Rock cod tacos were A#1!
Bison IPA
Sweet smell. Wow. Real hoppy and full and smooth.
S "God. That's good. And it's 6.8% alcohol"
S "This is a very drinkable beer one of my favorites since I had Rio Blanco, a micro brew from Texas."
A "Yum. Go, Bison."
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