oh, perfect!
info's comin in from unexpected corners and beautiful mover-and-shaker folk. thanks, Mary P, Ellen, and Radym! we've got three cities sketched out. please do keep em comin, yall. i'll post em up as i get em up until thurs night.
providence, rhode island is cloudy and drizzly and cold and down-to-earth gritty warm and lovely. Grrr and i met up there, and had a loooong weekend wandering through it on friday. later saturday after some work, we headed for the southern jellyfish- and sailboat- strewn coast of the union's smallest state where we shared a cozy bar with insufferable (but thankfully non-gregarious) socially bopolar high society folk who nearly made our apple-cheeked and beach-touseled bartender cry, and crossed paths with service workers who we want to have as our new best friends. i am happy to report that, thanks to providence's new local Matt Puckett's new band's rock show, and to thursday's The Butchies show, my jadedness on the music "scene" is falling away. fuck the scene. love the music.
welcome back, a little bitta simple happy.
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